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Everyone is welcome to come to one of our meeting and enjoy our informal learning and friendly atmosphere. 
What Happens
An invited guest speaker gives a talk on their particular field of expertise. See our list of recent and past speakers
One of our Special Interest Groups (SIG'S) gives a mini presentation on their chosen topic 
When we meet
First Tuesday of every
month except January 
Time we meet
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Refreshments are
provided  with the
opportunity to socialise
Where we meet
Outram Hall
478 Beach Road
Murrays Bay

"Those who teach shall also learn, and those who learn shall also teach."  Peter Laslett, Founder U3A, 1981

©2024 u3a Browns Bay

U3A c/o  52/17 Georgia Tce, Albany 0632

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