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Recent Speakers

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Frbruary 2024

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October 2023
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Heather Howath, a member of U3ABB, originally from UK talked about her many days and hours on a narrow boat throughout the rivers and canals of UK

September Speaker: Carol Herbert, Community Fundraising Specialist for Auckland City Mission.
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Carol Herbert, Community Fundraising Specialist with Auckland City Mission: Carol has worked in the charity sector for many, many years, both in London and New Zealand. She has worked in a number of fundraising roles, but has found that she really enjoys working as a Community Fundraiser, where she is always working with enthusiastic people who are looking to make a positive difference. It also gives her the opportunity to talk to the public about the important work that is being done by charities. Over the years she has found her passion is working for charities who are supporting some of our country’s most vulnerable people. She has worked with Hospice, Shine (domestic violence) and Variety – the Children’s Charity, before moving to Auckland City Mission in February this year. Carol lives on the North Shore with her husband and teenage son

August 2023

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October: Trevor Stafford 
A précis of his trip with his wife on motorbikes across seventeen countries.

              September 2022

  Emeritus Professor Ralf Cooney      ONZM, FRSNZ - Climate Solutions

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August 2022

Chris Brandolino from NIWA gave us all food for thought about climate change and how it will look like in 2120 and it was not very pretty - that is unless we work hard to halt it.  

He also reminded us that climate is what is predicted but weather is what you get!  He was dynamic and funny and very enjoyable.

White Structure
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May 2022:  Professor Julian Paton
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April 2022: Frances Walsh showed us so wonderful  treasures from the Maritime Museum that are all included in the book 'Endless Sea' with photographs by Jane Ussher

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Frances recently gave an excellent interview to the producers of The Mariner’s Mirror Podcast in the UK (one of the most popular maritime podcasts in the world) about the Davison family and the Alice A. Leigh/Rewa . The interview was so fascinating, in fact, that they decided to turn it into a two-part series and uploaded it on International Day of the Seafarer.Hannah Davison parented SIX children aboard the barque Alice A. Leigh (renamed Rewa in 1921), two of whom were buried at sea. The Mariner’s Mirror website features a number of photos, supplied by Frances, of Hannah’s scrapbooks, which include recipes and drawings by her young children. This is a side of maritime history which is seldom told (that being the stories of wāhine, and nga whaea in particular) and with Frances’ evident passion and expertice, it makes for a delightful listen (although you’ll have to excuse the host’s almost comical mis-pronounciation of te reo Māori kupu 😃).You can tune-in for free via the Mariner’s Mirror Podccast website:   Part One<> (33 minutes)*   Part Two<> (20 minutes)

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Professor Penelope(Pene) Mathew

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Alison Jones

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February 2022: 
Patricia Smith gave an exciting account
of Dale Chihuly, Master of Glass via Zoom

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Patricia Smith

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Some images of Dale Chihuly's creations

March 2022
Shaun Lee on " The State of the Hauraki Marine Park
and what he is doing to restore it

I am an Auckland based father / husband / designer / illustrator and photographer who is pretty serious about restoration, conservation and pollution prevention. This blog tracks my various ecological interventions and some cathartic writing.

Feel free to call (+64 21 555 425) or email me if you would like to help out or have any questions.

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"Those who teach shall also learn, and those who learn shall also teach."  Peter Laslett, Founder U3A, 1981

©2024 u3a Browns Bay

U3A c/o  52/17 Georgia Tce, Albany 0632

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